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1s1 theatre

1S1 is a Deaf-led theatre company founded by Dawn Jani Birley. Dawn was born to a third-generation Deaf family in Saskatchewan and identifies herself as culturally and linguistically Deaf. She is a multi-award winning professional Deaf actor with more than 15 years of experience working all over the world. Holding a Master of Arts degree in Physical Theatre from London, England, it is her desire to continue creating work that challenges people’s perception of Deafness as well as rebutting ideologies and myths surrounding Deafness. Provoking the hearing world is one of the ways to push for positive changes for us as a society.

1S1 Theatre is created in collaboration with

Why Not’s SHARE stream of activities. SHARE

projects are partnerships with other independent

artists and companies to help produce, present or

tour their work.

our mission

1S1’s Mission is to create theatre at the intersections of the Deaf and hearing worlds, always from a Deaf-led perspective. 1S1 was established with the goal of bringing balance in how

to tell a story and whose stories are told. To create theatre for

a hearing audience is one thing, to design theatre for a Deaf audience is another, but to put both together is where the excitement is. 1S1 aims to tell a story from a Deaf-led perspective so we are constantly creating new theatrical languages.

our vision

1s1 Theatre envisions a world where storytelling transcends barriers, creating a vibrant, inclusive stage that centers Deaf culture and sign language. Through groundbreaking collaboration and innovative artistry, we aim to redefine

theatre as a space where diverse voices and experiences unite, inspiring connection and understanding for all audiences

what is audism?

Audism is discrimination or prejudice against Deaf or

hard-of-hearing individuals, often based on the belief that hearing people and spoken language are superior to Deaf people and sign language. It manifests in attitudes, behaviors, or systems that marginalize Deaf individuals, limit their opportunities, or dismiss their cultural and linguistic identity.


Examples include assuming Deaf people are less capable, refusing to provide sign language interpreters, or favouring speech over sign language in education or communication.

It's a form of ableism rooted in the misconception that

hearing is essential to a full life.


Deaf Gain is a term that reframes being Deaf as a benefit rather

than a deficit. It highlights the unique contributions, perspectives,

and strengths that Deaf individuals and Deaf culture bring to society.


Instead of focusing on "hearing loss," Deaf Gain emphasizes the richness of visual communication, creativity, innovation, and the deep sense of community within Deaf culture. It also acknowledges how Deaf ways of being and thinking can inspire new ideas, enhance accessibility, and challenge traditional norms in areas

like language, art, technology, and education.

our team

our collaborations

1s1 Theatre has had the privilege of collaborating with diverse artists and organizations, enriching our creative journey and expanding our artistic horizons.

Why Not Theatre logo
Canada Council for the Arts logo
Ontario Arts Council logo
Toronto Arts Council logo
TD Bank Ready Commitment logo
Lindy Green Family Foundation logo
The Creative School Chrysalis logo
Canada Heritage logo
Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf logo

1s1 Theatre © 2025      |      PO Box 6 Toronto C, Toronto ON M6J 2W5      |      â€­+1.416.804.4164‬

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